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Piece of a UFO?


Nombre de messages : 43770

Piece of a UFO? Empty Piece of a UFO?

Message par Schattenjäger Dim 21 Déc - 3:46

What would you do if someone gave you a couple of pieces of a crashed UFO?

On May 5th and 6th of 2001, I attended the 32nd Annual Conference On Anomalous Phenomena put on by the International Fortean Organization (INFO) in Baltimore, Maryland. Arriving a couple of days early, I decided to visit the home of my recently deceased friend Dr. Mario Pazzaglini. His partner James (whose surname I have unfortunately forgotten) showed and allowed me to make color copies of many of Mario’s artworks from voluminous notebooks, many of which are intricate images for meditation.
At one point he asked “Do you want to see a piece of a flying saucer?”

There’s only one answer to that question, so he brought out a lead-lined bag and produced a fragment of shiny metal about two by four inches, and perhaps 1.5 inches thick. “Mario didn’t know if the pieces were radioactive, so he kept them in a protected container,” James said. “But there’s only one,” I answered.

Piece of a UFO? Ufofragment-300x198

James told me that Pazzaglini had given the other one to the University of Delaware for analysis. Since he was on the faculty there (or used to be) I gather that the testing and report was either cheap or free. Mario waited a few weeks for the results and finally called to ask how the work was going. He was told that the fragment had been lost somehow. Make up your own conspiracy theory, but he still had the other one, which I examined.
It was heavier than it looked. As you can see in the picture, it was very smooth, almost polished, but looked as if it had been violently torn from a larger element under great heat. The opposite side contained a rougher surface. This appeared to be an area that had been torn away, but the protrusions were rounded, as if the pieces were still molten when they had separated from the larger body of metal.

James could not remember where Mario had obtained the artifacts, or who had given them to him.
A couple of years afterwards, James told me that he had given this fragment to Linda Howe. I don’t know if she still has it, but I suspect that any analysis that she might have been able to get revealed nothing spectacular, or we would have heard about it. Perhaps she just forgot about the object and someone (me?) should ask what became of this mysterious piece of metal.
I apologize for the poor quality of the picture. The photo is from a disposable 35mm camera, which was the only one I had on the trip.

If someone out there has any expertise in metallurgy, perhaps they can contact me with some observations or ask more detailed questions.
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La date/heure actuelle est Dim 19 Mai - 23:43