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L'école primaire Bridlewood à Swindon découvre l'ufologie

Robot U&P
Robot U&P
Robot d'animation

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L'école primaire Bridlewood à Swindon découvre l'ufologie Empty L'école primaire Bridlewood à Swindon découvre l'ufologie

Message par Robot U&P Mer 9 Nov - 18:53

Alien activity sparks week of fun themed schoolwork

L'école primaire Bridlewood à Swindon découvre l'ufologie ?type=display

PUPILS from Bridlewood Primary School have been carrying out their own crime scene investigations after mysterious alien markings appeared at their school.

The children found silver residue, alien goo, burn marks and hieroglyphics, and also uncovered blurry photos of a mysterious figure in the school and strange lights in the sky.

It comes a year after they found dragon eggs in the school grounds, which was followed up with a week of dragon-themed work.

This week, the children will be producing art, maths and science related to the mysterious landing.

Headteacher Jo Garton said: “Last year the children really enjoyed dragon week and were so stimulated that they produced some of their best work.

“We must make the most of an opportunity like this to capture the children’s excitement about space and the possibility of life in the wider universe.

“Some of the writing they have produced has already been fantastic and we are looking forward to wonderful art work, interesting maths, not to mention lots of science.”

Community policewoman, Kate Jackson-Collier, will be visiting the school to assess the children’s investigation skills and hear their reports today.

And tomorrow an alien expert will be coming in to hear about the children’s enquiries.

Pupil Rachel Townsend, who is nine years old, said: “There was some burnt grass, which may be where they landed.”

Another pupil, Finlay Young, said: “We’ve found footprints and some red goo-like blood, but it hasn’t dried up, so maybe an alien crashed and is injured.”

Source - http://www.swindonadvertiser.co.uk/news/9349413.Alien_activity_sparks_week_of_fun_themed_schoolwork/

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L'école primaire Bridlewood à Swindon découvre l'ufologie Empty Re: L'école primaire Bridlewood à Swindon découvre l'ufologie

Message par Achim Mer 9 Nov - 19:35

Tout est bon pour faire avancer le schmilblick.... clown

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L'école primaire Bridlewood à Swindon découvre l'ufologie Empty Re: L'école primaire Bridlewood à Swindon découvre l'ufologie

Message par Macha Mer 9 Nov - 19:50

Sympa et ludique cette initiative dans une école primaire ! ^^
Membre - Niveau 2
Membre - Niveau 2

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L'école primaire Bridlewood à Swindon découvre l'ufologie Empty Re: L'école primaire Bridlewood à Swindon découvre l'ufologie

Message par Srevnela Ven 11 Nov - 9:43

Hum... deux extraterrestres blondes aux yeux bleus ?! scratch

Sauvez-vous, ce sont les coucous de Midwich !!! affraid
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La date/heure actuelle est Ven 17 Mai - 6:51