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Ufologie & Paranormal


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Ufologie & Paranormal

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triangle dans le ciel


Nombre de messages : 43758

triangle dans le ciel Empty triangle dans le ciel

Message par Schattenjäger Sam 4 Oct - 11:19

My wife and I went to Cancun this summer (June 2008). It was interesting to say the least. Good parts, bad parts, just like any vacation. We went on a few sightseeing tours, including a trip to the Mayan ruins of Chichen Itza. It was very hot, yet very interesting. After the guided tour was finished, they allowed us to roam around the area and explore for ourselves. Of course, I was taking pictures of everything I found interesting, which, as usual, was everything! I took a picture of what I think was an observatory. We didn't realize until we were at home and looking through the pictures that I caught something more than just an ancient building. Mexican UFO? Supersonic, top secret, black ops, experimental government spy plane?! I don't know, but it's cool anyway!


triangle dans le ciel Chichen_itza_ufo100308a

Nombre de messages : 9911

triangle dans le ciel Empty Re: triangle dans le ciel

Message par Mikerynos Sam 4 Oct - 20:07

Cerf volant ou ballon ?.. Lieu touristique ?
Membre VIP bronze
Membre VIP bronze

Nombre de messages : 524

triangle dans le ciel Empty Re: triangle dans le ciel

Message par thine Sam 4 Oct - 20:33

l'idée du cerf volant ma également effleuré l'esprit
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La date/heure actuelle est Ven 17 Mai - 11:18